Why There’s a Lot of Fear In the Market Right Now
There’s a lot of fear in the market.
Considering everything that is happening in the world right now, that’s not surprising. Riots, disease, small businesses falling like flies, the Fed printing money like a turbocharged Xerox machine…
Investors just aren’t sure what to think.
From a trader’s point of view, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, I live in this world too and I don’t want to see bad things happen. Not to anyone individually and not to the country as a whole.
That said, none of us know what is going to happen and we each have a responsibility to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves so we can be ready if an emergency does happen.
One of the ways we can be ready, financially anyway, is to take the gifts the market is giving us and make the profit we can make right now.
As for me, I predict a lot of this dies down after the election.
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I’m not a conspiracy guy, but I do think people behave in a way that they perceive to be in their best interest. Not maliciously…
More subconsciously. It’s just human nature.
Still, it makes sense to be ready just in case. Have a little food put away so you can survive without going to the store for a week or two (Where I live in Florida this is a must for hurricane season), make sure you have a supply of cash on hand, and take as much profit out of this market that you can – while you can.
This volatility is a gift, and it won’t last forever. We will likely see a progressive increase in volatility between now and the election – which means we have a window to find a lot of amazing trades…
But, the volatility will eventually die down.
If you are worried about HOW to make money in the market, check out this report I put together about Mainstreet Derivatives. You can use them to protect the positions you have, enhance the profit of your current positions, and you can trade them for large profits on their own.
To Your Success,
The post Why There’s a Lot of Fear In the Market Right Now appeared first on Option Sensei.
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