Coeur Mining: What a defeat!

by Sentiment Analyst |

KGV of Coeur Mining offers opportunities

The share of Coeur Mining is considered undervalued by the yardstick of the price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio). This is becauseThe P/E ratio of 10.11 is 73 percent lower overall than the industry average in the “Metals and Mining” segment, which is 37.96. Against this backdrop, the stock receives a “buy” rating from a fundamental analysis perspective.

The chart picture of Coeur Mining in the analysis

The current price of Coeur Mining of 3.27 USD is with -11.14 percent distance from the GD200 (3.68 USD) from the point of view of the technical chart valuation a “Sell” signal. In contrast, the GD50, which quantifies the average price development from 50 days, shows a price of 3.54 USD. This means that the share price has a “Sell” signal, as the gap is -7.63 percent. The bottom line is that Coeur Mining’s share price is rated as a “Sell” if the average of 50 and 200 days is used as a basis.

How does sentiment change?

One of the soft factors in assessing a stock is long-term monitoring of communications on the network. From this point of view, the share of Coeur Mining has given the following picture for the past monthsThe intensity of discussion, which is mainly shown by the frequency of word contributions, has produced only weak activity on the net in this regard. Therefore, Coeur Mining receives a “Sell” rating for this factor. The so-called rate of change in sentiment showed a negative change. This is equivalent to a “Sell” rating. This makes Coeur Mining a “Sell” stock overall.

This is what analysts recommend for Coeur Mining

On a long-term basis, analysts rate Coeur Mining’s stock as a “Hold” stock. Because from a total of 18 analysts these ratings were available0 Buy, 2 Hold, 0 Sell. There are no analyst updates on Coeur Mining from the last month. On average, the analysts expect a price target of 6 USD. This results in an expectation of 83.49 percent, as the closing price is currently USD 3.27, which corresponds to a “Buy” rating. Based on all analyst estimates, we therefore assign a “Buy” rating.

In comparison, what price return does the stock offer?

Compared to the average annual performance of stocks in the same sector (“Materials”), Coeur Mining is down more than 105 percent with a return of -40.66 percent. The “metals and mining” sector has a median return over the past 12 months of 63.92 percent. Again, Coeur Mining is well below that at 104.58 percent. This performance of the stock over the past year leads to a “Sell” rating in this category.

What price signs does the RSI indicate?

The Relative Strength Index (also Relative Strength Index, abbreviated RSI) is used in technical analysis to gauge whether a stock is overbought or oversold. Overbought stocks are more likely to see short-term price declines, while oversold stocks are more likely to see price gains. For this point of analysis, we will use the RSI on a 7-day and on a 25-day basis for Coeur Mining. First, the RSI7this is currently at 50.94 points, indicating that Coeur Mining is neither overbought nor oversold. This gives the security a “hold” rating on the 7-day RSI. The 25-day RSI fluctuates less in comparison. Again, Coeur Mining is neither overbought nor -sold (value57.55), thus the stock also receives a “hold” rating for the RSI25. Together, this gives Coeur Mining stock a “hold” rating in this section.