A Time Out From the Circus We’ve Been Watching…

by Options Sensei |

For the last few weeks, we have been watching an unbelievable circus going on in mainstream financial news.  

It’s fun, but it can get a little tiring so I wanted to take a break today and tell you about one of the most underrated financial movies of all time. 

Let me take you back to 1993, Beverly Hills 90210 was all the rage – grunge was asserting itself in the music scene (and kids were wearing a lot of plaid), and people were still buzzing about Sharon Stone’s infamous scene in Basic Instinct.  

HBO released a movie detailing, in dramatic and comic fashion, the Leveraged Buyout of RJR Nabisco…

The largest LBO in history at that time.  

The movie was Barbarians at the Gate and was based on a book by the same name. 

No need to go into the specifics of what an LBO is, or the plot.  You can watch the movie if you’re interested in that.  

I just want to tell you that it is one of the most fun high finance movies I’ve ever seen.  

Jim Garner plays F Ross Johnson – the then CEO of RJR Nabisco.  Garner plays the part of a smart-alec, quick-witted corporate guy. And he doesn’t mind shooting off lines that are edgy, ridiculous, or downright inappropriate.  

For example, Johnson is with another CEO named Don Kelly in the Manhattan apartment of Henry Kravis.  Kravis is one of the founders of the private equity firm KKR, which is still a Wall Street player today.  

Don and Johnson are admiring a painting on Kravis’s wall, and Don looks at Johnson and says, “Monet” referring to the artist who did the painting. 

Johnson looks back at Don and says, “Yeah right, tons of it!”

Kravis is obviously VERY rich.  When we walked into the scene Johnson said to him, “Listen Henry, if there’s anything you need. If you’re hurting in any way at all, all you have to do is ask.” Then gives a little smirk.  

Later Johnson tells his wife that Kravis’ apartment makes “Buckingham Palace look like a Burger King.  Nobody gets that rich letting anyone play co-god with them.”

The movie is full of stars you will recognize from other roles, and Garner gives an amazing performance.  

If you want a light-hearted, fun look into the world of Wall Street and high finance, I suggest you find the movie.  It’ll be an hour and a half or so of good fun. 

Have a great weekend!  Monday I’ll be back, nose to the grindstone, finding great new trades for Options360, and managing our existing trades.  

To Your Success,


PS. If you have not done so already, make sure to grab your $19 trial subscription to Options360.  Just last week we closed a trade in Visa for a 45% ROI in just 3 days.  I have a good feeling about February, so don’t miss out!


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