[Open Immediately] I Need to be Frank With You…

by Options Sensei |

I want to speak frankly with you for just a moment because I believe it is critical that you get the guidance you need to make money in this market.

As we can see from the price action in the Dow this morning, these are dangerous times in the market.  Volatility is high and while that means lots of upward motion it also means quick and drastic downward spirals.

I expect today’s drop to just be a pullback.  That said, I find myself repeating the John Maynard Keynes quote a lot recently…

“The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.”


If you are in a naked position or have a substantial amount of money tied up in holding stocks – days like today can be nerve-racking!

That’s why I am confused as to why you haven’t taken me up on my offer to try Options360 for just $19.

Just last week we closed 3 positions that would have paid for your trial and an additional 6 months if you decided to stay after the trial was over.

-Morgan Stanley (MS) 79% gain in16 days

-Fastly (FSLY) 42% gain in 8 day

-Visa (V) 92% in 14 days.

What are you waiting for?  It’s time to get serious about making money in the market, but you have to do it the right way. If you leave yourself open it can cost you dearly…

Maybe cost you everything!

My Options360 subscribers were not worried about today, and are not worried about a prolonged correction. ALL of our positions have a predetermined, well-defined and limited downside..

At the same time, we have an unlimited upside that can deliver the kinds of returns we saw last week.

It’s time to get serious about building wealth in this market!

Click here right now and sign up for the $19 trial offer.  The worst-case scenario is that you get access to a month’s worth of trading ideas and webinar training for $19.

The best is you find a way to start getting the results you want in this market!

To Your Success,


P.S. Even if you decide to leave after 30 days, the training you’ll have access to, the email “coaching” I do with subscribers, and the trading ideas you’ll receive are worth 100-times the $19 you’ll invest in the trail.

There is literally no way you can lose on this trade.  Click here and let’s start building our wealth right now!

The post [Open Immediately] I Need to be Frank With You… appeared first on Option Sensei.

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