Options: Everything you need to know!

by Options Sensei |

Today we provide you with an essential reading list about options trading. Learn about techniques, jargon, and much more through the books we highlight here.

With July 4th just around the corner, summertime offers an opportunity to lather on the tanning oil and brush up on your options trading knowledge. Not that I wouldn’t reach for the latest Jack Reacher novel, object to the suggestion of Grisham’s courtroom intrigue or deny the deal making put forth by Trump.

But as someone who writes about and actively trades options, I belong to the camp that believes options are a valuable investment tool that, when properly utilized, can both boost returns and reduce risk. So instead, impress your neighbors, annoy your family and study yourself into a well-deserved siesta with some of the best books and resources on options. It may lack the drama of reading about Greece or central banks’ interventionist policies, but I promise the long term benefits are greater.

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