REVEALED: How I’m Looking to Win Big Before 2022

by Options Sensei |

Yesterday, I wrote an article that explained that I was looking for the market to head up between now and the end of the year. 

Of course when I wrote that it was in the morning, so I didn’t know what the end of the day would look like…

But I am happy to say that the Dow shot up an impressive 560 points!!

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And today, as I write this, it’s up more than 200 points on the day. (Because of a Doctors appointment, I am writing this article much later than normal.)

That means the Dow regained all of Monday’s “bloodbath” losses AND went higher to boot.  

At the risk of sounding immodest, it’s looking good for my thesis.  

And it’s looking good for Options360 subscribers, with the portfolio up 70% YTD

and we are sitting in a great position to grab more wins before the end of the year.  

In short, I said this would be an amazing year for Options360 and it is!!

It’s time for you to grab your $19 trial subscription and get ready for another record year in 2022!

To Your Success,


The post REVEALED: How I’m Looking to Win Big Before 2022 appeared first on Option Sensei.