What the New Stimulus Bill Means…

by Options Sensei |

I hope you are having a wonderful and safe holiday season.  

The Wall Street Journal reported that President Trump signed the new stimulus bill Sunday evening. 

What does that mean for the market in the new year?

In my opinion, not much.  

Even without the stimulus corporate earnings are coming back and the Fed has the market’s back.

Besides the market has already priced in a stimulus package…

So I don’t expect to see much movement as a result.

I expect the market to keep pushing higher, and if we pick the right positions we can keep profiting from the upward swing. 

At least that is the approach we are taking in Options360

Cautious optimism!

Right now we are monitoring our open positions (we just closed a trade in NIO today for a tidy profit) and looking forward to hitting the ground running after the first of the year

If you are already a subscriber, keep watch in case we adjust or close a position this week.  

We likely aren’t going to open anything new unless an unbelievable opportunity presents itself, but you can expect new trades next week. 

If you are not a subscriber, this might be your last chance to get a trial membership to Options360 for just $19.   

Remember, as we approach the end of the year we are up almost 50% on the year.  Compared to the S&P 500, which is up less than 15%…

Well, I don’t want to brag, but you can see the difference for yourself. 

Click here and grab your trial membership right now!  It’ll be the best money you’ve ever spent.

To Your Success,


The post What the New Stimulus Bill Means… appeared first on Option Sensei.