Revealed: How to Minimize Risk and Maximize Profits
I get a lot of questions about how I stay so calm and emotionless when I am finding and putting on trades. The simple truth is, I stay calm because I know that the worst that can happen in a trade isn’t nearly the worst that can happen in life.
When I was a kid I loved sports. Basketball, skiing, swimming…. you name it and loved it. When I was 17 years old, I was body surfing when I broke my neck. I’ll share the specifics of the accident some other time, my point right now is what happened next. Obviously, I went directly to the hospital, where the doctor told me I was incredibly lucky to be alive, but I might be partially paralyzed for the rest of my life.
“We need to wait until the swelling goes down so we can assess the amount of damage. You may get all of your motor function back, or you may not. We just don’t know right now.”
That was terrifying. I had to wear a halo neck brace for 6 months while my neck healed. Thank God my neck did end up healing and I got all of my motor function back. However, I can assure you that for a 17-year-old kid, 6 months in a halo and partially paralyzed can seem like a lifetime.
Anyway, when I think about losing a trade – as much as I hate to lose – it doesn’t scare me because I remember what it was like to almost losing my ability to walk. In comparison, a losing trade is nothing.
The good news is, you don’t need to break your neck to stay calm while trading. You just need to set up your trade the right way. With limited downside risk and as much upside as possible…Preferably unlimited upside. I can show you how to do just that here, in a report I wrote about one of my favorite trades. I call it the Main Street Derivative.
Just click here and find out how I do it.
The post Revealed: How to Minimize Risk and Maximize Profits appeared first on Option Sensei.
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