Make Sure You Don’t Get Hurt In This Market…
Just a short email this Saturday.
I hope you are having a great weekend and looking forward to the Holiday season.
I just wanted to take this time to reiterate what I’ve been saying about the IPO market, just in case you missed my last 2 emails.
I know I’ve been beating up on IPO’s this week. But frankly, it’s because the IPO market is treacherous at this point.
As I pointed out yesterday, this year there have been more IPOs doubling their stock price on the first day of trading than there have been in the last 10 years combined.
The IPO market is the very definition of a bubble. And yes there is lots of money to be made in a bubble…
Until there isn’t. Unfortunately, when it pops – it pops fast and devastates anyone who is still in.
I’ve seen too many people get hurt in my career.
I feel a responsibility to sound the warning bell for all of my readers.
Yes, you might miss out on some quick gains – but when the bubble pops and the trades go against you…
It can erase all of those gains and then some.
It is easier to make steady, reliable gains with a limited and well-defined downside on your trades than it is to start over because you didn’t get out of the bubble in time.
And here’s the truth, when you trade correctly you still build wealth quickly without the risk of trying to time a bubble.
In the Options360, I focus on trades that have a good probability of returning 30%-50% in 2-4 weeks.
With those kinds of trades, we don’t need a bubble to build wealth quickly.
Of course, it’s not as exciting. It’s kind of a grind…
But in the market, the grinders are the ones who stay in and make money year in and year out.
To Your Success,
PS. Grab your $19 trial to Options360 right now! It’ll be the best money you ever spent.
The post Make Sure You Don’t Get Hurt In This Market… appeared first on Option Sensei.
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