While the Market is Crashing, We’re Profiting

by Options Sensei |

Dear Reader,

I am writing this email a bit earlier than normal, but let’s face it…

Today is going to be a big day one way or the other and I wanted to make sure I got this to you. 

Options360 Subscribers Hit Two Homeruns This Morning…Don’t Miss the Next One!

As I write this email the Dow is more than 760 points down on the day. 

I have been telling you to be aware of the underlying action in the market because the soldiers (smaller stocks on the indices) would need to catch up with the generals (FAANG+M)…

And that could mean a pullback.  

Don’t get too worried though.  We need to drop almost 3500 points to enter correction territory…

And another 3500 points after that to end the bull market. 

I don’t see that happening, but I do see a fantastic opportunity to get in on some amazing trades

This is how trading works. Weeks and sometimes months of grinding it out, then opportunity kicks in the door. 

In Options360, just this morning, we have already closed out a trade in HLT for an impressive 63% return and a trade in QQQ for 98% return (in just 6 days!)

I expect to see more trades like this over the next week or so…

And you can get in on them for just $19 with this special trial subscription offer. 

Back to the charts.  See you soon!

To Your Success,


The post While the Market is Crashing, We’re Profiting appeared first on Option Sensei.