Before I Shut My Computer Off For Good…

by Options Sensei |

It’s hot!  And I’m stuck directing movers all day today and tomorrow.  

In just a minute I am unplugging my computer for the rest of the weekend.  It won’t come back on until Monday morning.  (I apologize in advance to subscribers. I’ll return your emails first thing Monday.)

Claim your Options360 Concierge Trading Service trial subscription for the “insanely inexpensive” price of $19!

In the meantime, it is blazing hot here!  Unless you have lived in Florida – you don’t understand what I mean…

I’ve lived in NYC when the thermometer read the same temp.  It’s not equivalent.  

Florida summers are a special kind of hot.  It sometimes feels like the sun is sitting on your shoulders.  

You can get burned just by taking a walk for 10 minutes.  I’m not talking about a little pink, I mean you can get an “adjust the temperature of your shower tonight” kind of burn.   

Thank goodness I live on the water, the ocean breeze mitigates some of the heat. 

All that said, I am REALLY excited about this month. It could be just as hot as this Florida summer weather.

Now that I see what the market is doing I am expecting at least 3 or 4 of these trades I am watching to give us perfect setups.  

Do NOT miss your chance to make these trades with us.  

Remember, recently my subscribers have seen trades like:

  • 98.5% ROI in QQQ in 6 days 
  • A strong 30.9% Return in AKAM 
  • And CRM for 42% 
  • EA for a 48% return 
  • TDOC for an incredible 52% overnight windfall

 And I expect things to get better in the next month. 

Click here and get your test drive for just $19.  It will truly be the best money you have ever spent. 

To Your Success,


PS.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my adopted home state…but the summers!  

If I’m only half right, the next month in Options360 could be just as hot! Take your test drive now

The post Before I Shut My Computer Off For Good… appeared first on Option Sensei.

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