This is Why The Trading Lifestyle is the Best Lifestyle…

by Options Sensei |

It was one of those mornings.  It started off great, but then the phone rang and BOOM!

I got a virtual cold hard slap in the face. 

It turns out that my father, who lives in Tennessee, hit himself in the head with a pickaxe and was being difficult about going to the hospital.  

I immediately booked a flight for today, wrote out this quick email to send to my team to make sure it gets out to you and packed a bag for a short trip to Tennessee.

Of course, it goes without saying that I am keeping an eye on my watchlist and open trades in Earnings360 (which is closed right now) and Options360 (you can test Options360 out for just $19)

I’m not sharing this story with you to look for sympathy, I am sure Dad will be fine.  He’s a tough ol’ buzzard.  

I’m sharing this story because I want you to understand how easy and flexible life becomes when you are living the “Trader’s Lifestyle.”  

I didn’t need to get approval or ask for time off.  

Didn’t need to find someone to “cover my shift.”

I didn’t need to worry about losing pay or time at work, or an upset customer.  

All I had to do was write this email and send a text.  I can monitor positions on the plane and at my father’s house.

I can notify my team with trade alerts to make sure they go out…

And that was more than a full-time trader would have had to do in my situation.  

A full-time trader wouldn’t even need to tell anyone anything.  

Complete autonomy.

100% Independence.  

It’s a completely different way to think about and live your life…

And I want to help you get there

The only way I know get to that level of trading is to:

  1. Start trading every day, and
  2. Work your butt off to learn everything you can about trading while you are actively trading. 

It’s important to start trading because too many people get stuck in the learning phase and never start trading.  If you want to be a trader, you need to make trades and learn as you go.

You can cut your learning curve AND make better trades with a service like Options360.  Yes, we are a concierge trading service. 

We also offer an educational experience that I believe is second to none.  

And the best part is you can try it out for just $19

To Your Success,


PS. Now off the airport.  Talk to you tomorrow.  

PPS. Go Ahead, grab your trial subscription to Options360 now.   

The post This is Why The Trading Lifestyle is the Best Lifestyle… appeared first on Option Sensei.