iQiyi: Is this still normal?

by Sentiment Analyst |

Analysis of iQiyi’s chart

From the last 200 trading days, Iqiyi’s share price calculates an average of USD 3.68 for the closing price. The closing price on the last trading day was USD 2.31 (-37.23 percent difference) and we therefore assign a “Sell” rating from a chart perspective. In addition to the 200-day average, the 50-day average is also often analyzed as part of the chart technique. The last closing price for this value (USD 2.65) is also below the moving average (-12.83 percent), thus the Iqiyi share also receives a “Sell” rating for this. Iqiyi thus receives an overall “Sell” rating for the simple chart technique.

What are the analysts’ views?

Iqiyi received a total of 3 analyst ratings in the past twelve months.The average rating for the stock is “Hold” and is composed of 0 “Buy”, 3 “Hold” and 0 “Sell” opinions. There are no analyst updates on Iqiyi from the last month. Based on the average of the price forecast of (7.5 USD for the security, there is an upside potential of 224.68 percent (based on the last closing price, 2.31 USD), following the analysts’ opinion. This therefore represents a “buy” recommendation. Iqiyi thus receives a “buy” rating for this section in total.

Will the good mood boost the share price?

The discussions around Iqiyi on social media platforms give a clear signal on the assessments and moods around the title. Currently, overall positive opinions are piling up in the comments and opinions in the past two weeks. In addition, predominantly positive topics were raised around the value in recent days. This leads our editorial team to the conclusion that the company should be classified as a “buy”. In summary, the editorial team thus believes that Iqiyi’s stock is appropriately valued at “Buy” in terms of investor sentiment.

How investors react to iQiyi

An important contribution to the assessment of a share is also provided by a longer-term view of communication on the Internet. In doing so, we considered both the criterion of discussion intensity, i.e. the frequency of messages, and the rate of change in sentiment for the assessment. Iqiyi showed interesting characteristics in this analysis. The discussion intensity is average, as normal activity can be seen. This results in a “hold” rating. The rate of change in sentiment shows little change. From this, the editors again derive a “hold” rating. The bottom line is therefore a “Hold” rating.