Alibaba: Not much is missing!
Where is the P/E ratio for Alibaba?
The Alibaba share is considered undervalued according to the price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) benchmark. This is becauseThe P/E ratio of 13.75 is 95 percent lower overall than the industry average in the “Internet & Catalog Retail” segment, which is 275.84. Against this backdrop, the stock receives a “Buy” rating from a fundamental analysis perspective.
Interesting sentiment on Alibaba
The basis of investor sentiment is discussions and interactions of market participants in social media around the stock market. Alibaba has been discussed particularly positively over the past two weeks. On ten days, the discussion was dominated by positive topics, while negative communication prevailed on one day. Currently, during the past one or two days, it is also mainly positive topics that investors are interested in. Based on this sentiment, the stock gets a “buy” rating today. Deeper and automated analysis of communications has revealed that “Sell” signals have been the primary focus lately. This gives Alibaba an overall “Buy” rating based on the investor sentiment barometer.
Investors See the Positive
During the past few weeks, there has been an increase in positive comments about Alibaba on social media. The sentiment barometer of market participants pointed into the green zone. The stock therefore receives a “buy” rating from the editorial team. The intensity or, to put it simply, the frequency of posts about a share provides an indication of whether the company is currently the focus of much or little investor attention. Alibaba was discussed marginally more or less than normal. This leads to a “hold” rating. Overall, this gives the stock a “buy” rating.
The Relative Strength Index and its current data
The Relative Strength Index (shortRSI) relates the upward and downward movements of an underlying over time and is thus a good indicator of overbought or underbought stocks. The last 7-day RSI for Alibaba stock has a value of 64.41. On this basis, the stock is thus neither overbought nor -sold and receives a “hold” rating. We now compare the 7-day RSI with the value of the RSI on a 25-day basis (46.39). Here, too, Alibaba is neither overbought nor sold (value46.39), thus the stock also receives a “hold” rating for the RSI25. In total, therefore, the RSI assessment results in a “Hold” rating for Alibaba.