And the Volatility Marches On…

by Options Sensei |

Over the last few days, we’ve discussed what we are seeing in the markets, what sectors are under pressure, which sectors are seeing support, and we’ve speculated as to why it is happening. 

I enjoy trying to figure out why the market is doing what it is doing.  But the most important thing to do is to turn what we see in the charts into profitable trades

Don’t get me wrong, I am a news fanatic.  And I’m intensely interested in what is happening in the market on a personal level. 

That said, I don’t let my belief about what is happening to interfere with what the charts are telling me.  

I always tell you, you trade the market you have NOT what the market should be.  

As I write this we have another divergent day between the Dow (up around 100 points) and the Nasdaq (down around 100 pts), with the S&P flat for the day.  

We will see where the rest of the day takes us…

But for now, I am watching several positions for next week.

You’ve already missed the new UPS trade we put on earlier this week, don’t miss another one. 

Remember, we were up over 80% last year in Options360, and a significant amount of that return materialized in the volatility over the last new months of the year.  

And we are STILL seeing that volatility play out. 

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To Your Success,


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