
Why Does Trading Volume Matter?

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Trading volume, or the total number of shares of a security or ETF that were traded during a period of time, can offer investors indicators of market sentiment. Average daily trading volume is typically calculated over 20 to 30 days, but can be...

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Jaw-Dropping Spending Forecast Constructive for ACES

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Investors already acquainted with the renewable energy investment thesis and assets such as the ALPS Clean Energy ETF (ACES) know that spending is at the forefront. More specifically, corporations and governments spending massive amounts of money...

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Under the Hood of the Quadratic Deflation ETF (BNDD)

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It’s the season for hedging, according to fund flows since the beginning of the year. One fund in particular has seen a big uptick in flows since the beginning of December: the Quadratic Deflation ETF (BNDD). BNDD has seen $123.23 million in flows...

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