Happy Thanksgiving! Here Is An Early Black Friday Deal

by Options Sensei |

First I want to take this moment to say that I am incredibly thankful for you and all my readers.  

While I am happy to trade my own money full time, I find a substantial amount of meaning in working with retail traders to help them find more profitable trades and build wealth for themselves and their families.  

Because people like you read my musings on the market, I get to share what I love and what I am good at in a way that I hope and believe helps my readers accomplish their goals. 

So thank you, sincerely!  From the bottom of my heart.  

I love Thanksgiving.  I love the food, I love the conspicuous consumption, I LOVE the leftovers…

And I love that we have a holiday built around gratitude.  

Not only do we get to eat a ton of amazing food, the day after Thanksgiving – Black Friday – is the day when most retailers “enter the black,” an accounting term meaning they become profitable. 

(A company in the red is losing money and the loss is denoted in red ink on the profit and loss (P&L)  statement.  But once the company is profitable – the profit is shown in black ink.  Ergo, Black Friday is when retailers enter the black for the year.) 

As traders that make Black Friday a super important day for us!

And because it’s such an important day, and in the spirit of giving everyone a tremendous discount on Black Friday…

I want to do something really special for you. 

I know you are familiar with my concierge trading service, Options360.

Will put my track record against any other similar service in the financial publishing business…

Since 2015 we have destroyed the S&P:

2015: up 125% (S&P was down .73%)

2016: up 32% (S&P was up just 9.54%)

2017: up 48% (S&P was up just 19.42%)

2018 up 67% (S&P lost a whopping 6.24%)

2019: up 77% (S&P up jus 28.9%)

2020: up 45% (S&P was up just 16.26%)

And so far in 2021, we are up 52%, and we have several weeks to add to the profits!!

In case you are not familiar with my history, I was a seat holding member and market maker on the floor of the Chicago Board of Options Exchange and I edited one of the first Options trading newsletter services with Jim Cramer’s company The Street. 

That means I can do something fairly unique in this business…

I can write clear and detailed explanations of my trades, AND I can pick profitable trades.   

That’s why subscribers to Options360 have been very happy over the last few years, and now I would like to give you a chance to try Options360 for just $7!

That’s right, I want you to start profiting from Options360 for just $7.  

Here’s how it works, you cover a small $7 trial subscription rate and I will open up a full membership to Options360 for a month.  You’ll get everything:

  • All of my trading recommendations, 
  • Flash alerts to enter, exit, or adjust all of the recommendations, 
  • Two LIVE webinars where I go over all of our trades, explain why I structured the trade like I did, and how I decided on the entry and exit prices.  We’ll also discuss the market and where I expect things to go.  And finally, I will answer all of your questions.  
  • Access to hundreds of hours of archived training videos,  
  • My personal email address for questions about the market or our trades, 
  • Full support from the Adam Mesh Trading Group customer service team, which is considered by many to be the best customer service team in the business… 
  • And much more. 

You get everything for an entire 30 days for $7 with no long-term obligations.  I either deliver or you can cancel anytime!

If you decide to stay past the first 30 days (you will) then you continue for just $89 a month.    

But you’ll get access to everything starting today for just $7!

That means you get the lowest rate we’ve offered!

And your rate will never go up, as long as you keep your membership active.  

But this amazing offer will only stay open for a few days.  So don’t delay, don’t mess around…

Take care of it now while you’re thinking about it. 

To your success,


PS.  Please take a second and tell me what you are thankful for today.  Especially if you are in the U.S. and celebrating Thanksgiving today. 

Just hit “reply” and let me know. 

PPS. And make sure to get the lowest introductory rate we have ever offered.

The post Happy Thanksgiving! Here Is An Early Black Friday Deal appeared first on Option Sensei.

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