How to Manage These Triple Digit Daily Swings…

by Options Sensei |

Dear Reader,

I’m going to have to make this short today because I’m tracking several trades for Options360 and Earnings360 right now.  

It’s a busy day, still I take my responsibility to you seriously, so I cut out a few minutes to give you some useful information…

Yesterday after close I got swamped with emails from subscribers to my Options360 concierge trading service asking about the sell off.  People were really scared, so I decided to address the sell off today. 

After setting several record highs, a pull back is natural and healthy.  I was happy to see it.  

Of course, as I write this the market is rebounding nicely – just like I expected it to – so maybe the sell off is less important.  Still, this is important if you plan on trading regularly.  

The simple fact is that trading is as much about what’s happening in your head as it is about what’s happening in the markets.  

If you let yourself get scared over normal pull backs you’re going to drive yourself crazy!

Because what is happening between your ears is so critically important, I put a lot of time and thought into trade explanations and the live twice monthly training I do for subscribers to Options360.

My goal is to make myself obsolete by helping you become the best trader you can possibly be.  

The really cool part is that you don’t only get training…

You get recommends that can hand you wins like:

  • 83% ROI in just 3 weeks in AMD
  • 27% ROI in just 5 days in BYND, and 
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Second-to-none training, recommendations that can put a profit in your pocket

And the opportunity to become an expert trader and build enough wealth so you never need to worry about money!

I wanted to make this a “no-brainer” for everyone, so I arranged for my publisher to offer you a $19 trial subscription.  

For less than the cost of a pizza, you get a “real world proof of concept.”  It doesn’t get any better than that…

But you need to take action right now if you want to achieve your goals. 

To Your Success,


The post How to Manage These Triple Digit Daily Swings… appeared first on Option Sensei.

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