How You Can ‘Surf’ This Market Successfully

by Options Sensei |

It’s funny how when I look back on my life so much of my experience as a teen and young adult informs what I do today.

For example, as a teenager, I used to love to surf.  

You have likely read my account about how I was injured while surfing, and how that injury taught me how precious and precarious life is.  

But I don’t think I have ever told you about how learning to surf helped make me a better trader. 

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with Options360, My Concierge Trading Service.

When you are surfing you can just ride any wave that comes along.  You need to wait for a good wave. 

Sometimes that is a massive wave that leads to a stellar ride…

And sometimes that means a small wave that just brings you in safe and sound.  

Either way, you can have fun – which is ultimately the point of surfing. 

Your problems start when you try and force a wave that you can’t ride.  Maybe it’s too big and you wipe out.  Or maybe it’s too small and there’s just nothing to catch. 

Both scenarios lead to frustration and anger.  

It’s the same way when trading…

Except in addition to frustration and anger, you also lose your money. 

The trick is to not try and force a trade.  Wait until a trade that meets your parameters comes up, then get on board.  

That’s what we do in Options360.  We wait on the trades to show up and don’t ever try to force anything. 

That means sometimes we don’t make 2-3 trades every week…

But just like surfing, there’s always a wave and there’s always a trade coming if you are patient.

And sometimes, they pop up every time you look!

To Your Success,


PS. Make sure to grab your trial subscription to Options360 for just $19.

We have smashed the S&P 500 every year since we launched in 2015, and I expect this year will be the same.  Don’t miss out on the next great trade, click here and test it out right now.

The post How You Can ‘Surf’ This Market Successfully appeared first on Option Sensei.

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