Nikola investors have dreaded this day!

by Sentiment Analyst |

The price picture of Nikola

On the basis of the moving average price, Nikola is currently a “Sell”. This is because the value’s GD200 runs at the level of 5.97 USD, which means that the share price (2.39 USD) is -59.97 percent above this trend signal. This corresponds to the classification as “Sell”. Based on the past 50 days, this results in a moving average price (GD50) of 3.27 USD. This in turn corresponds to a deviation of -26.91 percent from the perspective of the share price itself. This means that the share is a “Sell” stock over this period. Overall, this corresponds to a “Sell” rating.

Nikola : How does the RSI behave?

Whoever wants to evaluate the dynamics of a share price can resort to the prominent relative strength index, the RSI. According to this, for a period of 7 days (or for 25 days as RSI25), the ratio of upward and downward movements is normalized to a distance of 0 to 100. The Nikola RSI, with a value of 89.66, is the basis for the “Sell” rating. The RSI25 amounts to 56.4, resulting in a rating of “Hold” for 25 days. This overall picture leads to a rating of “Sell”.

How is the sentiment picture changing?

A clear change in the sentiment picture towards the positive could be observed at Nikola in recent weeks. A change in the mood picture occurs when the mass of market participants in the social media, which form the basis of this evaluation, have a tendency towards particularly positive or negative topics. Since positive conspicuities were registered at Nikola in this respect, we rate this criterion as “Buy”. With regard to the strength of the discussion, or in other words, the change in the number of posts, no significant differences could be identified. We honor this with a “Hold” rating. In summary, Nikola therefore gets a “Buy” for this stage.

What to expect from investor sentiment

Social media sentiment has been mostly negative over the past few days. On five days, the discussion was dominated by positive topics, while negative communication prevailed on seven days. In recent days, investors also increasingly talked about negative topics related to the company Nikola. As a result, the editorial team rates the share with a “Sell”. In summary, this results in a “Sell” assessment for investor sentiment.