Revealed: Why Earnings Season Could Mean Big Profits

by Options Sensei |

First week of earnings season and we are batting 1,000 in Earnings360!

Three trades, three winners:

  • 32% in JPM overnight
  • 22% in IBM over 3 days
  • 38% in MS in just 2 days

Grab Your Last Minute Spot in Earnings360 This Quarter

The Earnings calendar gets busier next week as names such as NFLX, TXN, TSLA. AMZN and INTC come to the confessional. The schedule peaks the first week of November just as U.S elections are being decided.

This combination, the election combined with the peak of earnings season, means we can expect a tremendous amount of volatility…

And THAT means a LOT of profit potential for us!

Three trades and one week in and my subscribers have already paid for their quarterly subscription – so they are “playing with the house’s money” from this point on.

And I expect to see at least 25-30 more trades over the next several weeks.

Normally, we close the service when earnings season starts.  You can’t get in until we open subscriptions again two weeks before the next earnings season begins.

However, because of the unprecedented opportunity this season is presenting us, I have decided to open up a few spots for those who want to jump in late and take advantage of the next 25-30 potentially profit-producing trades.

The subscription for the quarter is just $197, and if the first week is any indicator it’ll be the best $197 you have ever spent.

However, because earnings season is very time restricted – I can only let 27 more people in…

And those people need to get in before Wednesday night at midnight.

If you want to come along with the most exciting, potentially profitable earnings season in memory, click here and grab your spot before someone steals it out from under you.

To Your Success,


PS.  If you are intrigued but want to know more about the specific strategies I use, you can see everything here – including case studies of actual trades and how and why we did them.

The post Revealed: Why Earnings Season Could Mean Big Profits appeared first on Option Sensei.

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