The Music is Getting Faster, but When Will it Stop?

by Options Sensei |

Quick email today.  Earlier today stocks hit intraday highs on news that Congress is getting close to an almost $900 billion dollar stimulus deal.

More borrowed money, more Fed printing…

And an even higher run-up in stocks.

At this point, we need to take full advantage of this market.  As my midwestern friends say, “You gotta make hay while the sun is shining.”

And it looks like Congress is lighting up the financial sun once again.

Keep in mind though, that markets built up under these conditions have a nasty habit of crashing even faster than normal.

So risk assessment is even more critical in this market than it has been historically.


Every trade should have a limited and well-defined downside.  That will mean you might miss out on a few great trades…

But it means when the inevitable huge correction happens, you won’t lose all of your profits!

My “Warren Buffet” strategy has served Options360 subscribers well for years.  It’s why I can offer a $19 trial subscription

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Make sure to get your trial subscription now.  It’ll be the best money you ever spent!

To Your Success,


PS. I call my approach the “Warren Buffet” strategy because of Buffet’s well known 2 rules of investing.

Rule 1:  Never lose money.  Rule 2: Never forget rule number 1.

Obviously, it is impossible to “never” lose money, but safety underlies our approach in Options360 – which is why we have beat the pants off the S&P every year since we launched.

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