This Bull Can Make You a Hero, or Gore You…

by Options Sensei |

This bull market isn’t like most of the markets we’ve seen in the past.  Yes, stocks are going up, and riding the bull to higher gains makes a lot of sense.

However, this bull market can gore you as quickly as it makes you a hero.

Let me explain.

The market is driven by the stimulus, money printing, and euphoria right now.

The fundamentals almost don’t even come into play.

The current crop of Robinhood traders and Dave Portnoy followers don’t care what a company’s EBITA is or how its balance sheet looks.

They just want to buy into a stock and flip it for a profit.

Of course, I’m not opposed to that.  I’m a trader as are subscribers to my Options360 service (Grab Your Trial Membership Here for Just $19)

However, even though we are traders we make a concerted effort NOT to get involved with zombie companies, penny stocks, etc.

Some of these new traders aren’t so discerning about where they risk their money.

We can – and have – seen individual stocks make wild moves in a very short period of time.  If you are on the wrong side of that move – this bull market can easily gore you…

Just like a matador who isn’t paying close enough attention while he’s working.

On the other hand, if you structure your trades correctly – with a well defined and limited downside – and you choose your trades wisely…

Then you leave the arena as a hero, having ridden this bull market to substantial wealth and freedom.

One of the keys is picking well established, reliable companies to trade.

For example, we just put on a trade for APPL.  It’s not going to make us rich, but we have a great chance at a nice profit and we can be sure the company will be around for a long time.

That’s our focus in Options360…

We want to build your wealth in a systematic, reliable way.

You can find out how we do it for just $19.

To Your Success,


PS. For your $19 you’ll get all my trade recommendations, access to 2 training webinars where I explain the market and the trades in depth so you understand why we do what we do, access to hundreds of hours of training webinars…

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The post This Bull Can Make You a Hero, or Gore You… appeared first on Option Sensei.

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