What Powell’s Comments Mean for the Markets

by Options Sensei |

Friday I had some rather pointed opinions about Powell and the policies he shared during his presentation on Friday…

And while I stand by those opinions, I believe it is important to put personal opinions aside and trade the market you have

So while I firmly believe these policies are bad for the economy in the long term, I am going to refocus these emails on helping you make money. 

There are loads of people who talk about macro econ online and on TV…

You come to me to find out how to profit in the markets right now

This is how we are approaching the market in my Options360 concierge trading service. 

First and foremost, this continued accommodative policy from the Fed increases the chances that the bull runs even longer. 

Assuming the markets do keep going higher, this isn’t going to be a “buy anything and make money” bull market. 

While we technically had a short bear market last year, the general consensus is that this is a continuation of the 10+ year bull market we were in prior. 

And that’s how the market is behaving. 

When bull markets are young almost everything shoots up.  As they get a little longer in the tooth, stock selection becomes more and more important. 

That’s where we are at now. 

So I see the possibility of opportunity, as long as you pick your shots and use the right strategy

That’s what’s nice about Options360, we don’t confine ourselves to just one strategy.  We use all of the tools in the toolbox.  

There’s a lot going on in the world right now.  Hurricanes – including Ida, the delta variant, political upheaval, and questionable fiscal policy are all swirling around.  

These factors will affect the markets to varying degrees, and it is up to you to be ready no matter what happens. 

You are invited to join us in Options360 for just $19 if you would like to have access to my ideas about pulling money out of the market and putting it in your pocket. 

To Your Success,


The post What Powell’s Comments Mean for the Markets appeared first on Option Sensei.

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