What Will Next Year Hold For Your Trading?

by Options Sensei |

We are just over 2 weeks away from ending 2020.  How was the year for you?

Obviously, it was a crazy year for society.  A year many want to forget.

Riots, the pandemic, the election insanity that is STILL going on…

But how was the year for you personally, in regards to your trading?

Did you make the money you should have this year?  Did you get crushed by the whipsaw market moves?

I can tell you that traders in the know made a lot of money this year…

And I believe will continue making a lot of money into 2021.


Well, frankly this market is a trader’s dream.

The stimulus that the Fed and government have pumped into the market and the expected stimulus for next year will fuel a continued market boom.

However, that doesn’t mean every stock will go straight up.  You need to pick the right companies and the right trades.

Recently I explained how and why I stopped being a “permabear.”  And while my l opinions about the consequences of money printing and massive market manipulation have not changed…

What did change is my willingness to make money from the manufactured run-up.

You can’t fight the Fed they say, and it’s time you stopped trying and started making money from the Fed’s behavior – just like the Wall Street elite.

That’s why I am excited for 2021.  I “know” that Options360 subscribers will continue to beat the market and rack up huge gains behind the next round of stimulus.

You can come along for the ride for just $19.

It’ll be the best money you ever spent!

To your success,


The post What Will Next Year Hold For Your Trading? appeared first on Option Sensei.